The Greater Birmingham and Solihull Institute of Technology (GBSIoT) and BMet recently organised a diversity workshop around Women in Engineering. The purpose of the workshop was to increase the number of women entering the sector and progressing into management and leadership roles.
The workshop was led by a panel of female speakers who shared their experiences working in traditionally male-dominated sectors. Their stories aimed to help participants understand how to build on the sector’s work to increase the number of women in the UK taking up opportunities in engineering.
The workshop included a facilitated roundtable discussion and knowledge sharing session to improve diversity in engineering. Participants had the opportunity to share their thoughts and insights on the importance of STEM Learning Ambassadors, being authentically themselves, and championing others to raise us all up together.
One of the key takeaways from the workshop was the validation that issues like battling imposter syndrome and “diversity hire” comments are prevalent in many industries and affect a diverse range of people. This knowledge helped participants feel less alone and empowered them to take steps to overcome these challenges.
Overall, the workshop was deemed a success as it increased awareness of what being an engineer entails and hopefully paved the way for a future where engineering is a more appealing career for a wider range of people. It is essential to continue to have such workshops and discussions to improve diversity and inclusivity in the engineering industry.
Enormous thanks go to Bmet and Next Gen Makers for supporting the event.