Mechanical Engineering

What is it?

Mechanical engineering is essentially the study of machines and mechanical systems. There are multiple specialisms within this space, such as aeronautical, automotive, and biomedical. This makes it a great choice if you want to keep your options open for specialising later, and to develop your interests across a spectrum of engineering disciplines.  

Where can I study and at what level?

The below GBSIoT institutions offer this subject area. Levels range from level 2 (post GCSE) to degree:

At the links above you can view courses in more detail as well as view entry requirements.


Confused about what pathway you can take?

These handy graphics to the right show what qualifications you need to progress in this course area, and the pathways needed to find your future career.

*Graphic from WMCA Engineering and Manufacturing Regional Training Plan – view the full report here

Where could it lead?

Watch Joshua’s story:

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